BaseFive Sölden
BaseFive Sölden

BaseFive Sölden

Dorfstraße 202
6450 Sölden

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personalized training adventure - basefive with 400 m2 indoor & outdoor gym

unleash the BEAST within.

Your personalized training adventure: BASEFIVE stands for an innovative training world that goes far beyond traditional fitness centers. With highly motivated trainers and a holistic approach, we prepare you for your alpine adventures and help you stay fit in everyday life. Let's increase your mobility and stability together and raise your quality of movement to a new level. Sweat together and win together - that's our motto. With BASEFIVE, you train in a community that motivates and supports you. Our training groups are manageable so that you always get the attention you deserve.

This business is a partner of the Ötztal Gift Card!
Oetztal Geschenkkarte

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